Sunday, January 02, 2005

Change ICMA Newsletter

Opportunity: The ICMA Newsletter hasn’t changed format in years. A change in format—especially in the electronic version- would give us the opporutniyt to send a message to members that ‘the times they are a changin’ while at the same creating a much more user-friendly electronic document.
We ought to re-format the ICMA Newsletter asap—at least the electronic editions—so that is looks new, clean, and most of all, so the user can quit scrolling back and forth between articles/job ads. (I know of no one who reads the ‘print version’ of the Washington Post Online, as it has the same problem as our Newsletter—columns don’t work on line). Possible new design elements are:
**List all of the jobs in one area, and just link in the document to see the description—just like Management InSite—
**In the jobs section, link to the City’s web site so an interested person could check it out very quickly—this would be an easy way of suggesting change is happening—
**Putting in short/timely articles, and not just Bulletins—it seems like there is a gap between PM and the Newsletter that should be filled. Couldn’t the Newsletter be more than job announcements, board announcements, and sales pitches for ICMA products?
**Consider putting in some pictures in the electronic version, and some news about what is going on in cities.

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If we do a different electronic newsletter, it brings into question the purpose of Management Insite. We have the opportunity to combine the two into a much more powerful electronic document.

We ought to combine the electronic newsletter combined with Management Insite, so that each would benefit from the other. The format of Management Insite is close to what it seems we should do for the electronic newsletter.
Interesting. The electrnic Newsletter is just a PDF file created from the print Newsletter, which raises the question of redesign of the print version. Those who receive the PDF have either requested to receive that instead of the print or have a type of mmebership (such as student) that offers them only the PDF version. In other words, I'm not sure that we want the print and the PDF to be different from one another but maybe we want to consider a redesign of the print, which would automatically result in (the same) redesign of the PDF/electrnic version.

Evelina (I didn't want to have to create and rememebr another password, so I chose to post anonymously but sign my name.)
Would it be too hard to just do an electronic version of the newsletter that would copy the Management Insite style, and continue the hard-copy as-is. It seems to me that, before the newsletter is formatted, it's just text--which could just as easily be converted to an electronic-friendly version.
Would it be too hard to just do an electronic version of the newsletter that would copy the Management Insite style, and continue the hard-copy as-is. It seems to me that, before the newsletter is formatted, it's just text--which could just as easily be converted to an electronic-friendly version.
I like Ann's list of e-newsletter info products but I'd like to be able to selectively combine those elements particualrly the marketing activities so they can be sent to segmented lists of our members and other customers.
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