Friday, December 30, 2005

Some future Web casts?

I’ve been thinking about a few other Web cast ideas – just something to throw in the hopper. I think it would be good to have these before key legislative milestones, with some action steps perhaps:

- Telecom legislation/rewrite (could be tied into when our white paper on that topic is finished). Key ideas would be the impacts of what current legislation will do to local government funding, and the importance of working with mayors/councils on their communications to federal legislators.

- Emergency management (same here – we are working on a policy white paper on this) – key issues here include regional cooperation and interoperability.

- PanFlu preparations, and general means of communicating with residnts and communities about/before major disasters.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Employee Compensation For New Products

Opportunity: We should reward ICMA employees who conceive, create, and bring to market new products that make money for the organization.

We ought to target 10% of GROSS revenues over a 7 year period for any new product to reward employees who conceive of and create new products that go to market. We ought to target 10% of NET revenues over a 7 year period for any new product to reward employees who take New Products to market and make a profit for ICMA.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

The Best of PM Magazine (by topic)

In preparing for Restoration 2006, I was thinking that it would be great to offer a compilation of all the disaster preparation/homeland security/interoperability articles that have appeared in PM Magazine in a single booklet. There is a lot of great content spread out over several years of PM that is still useful, but takes a while to track down. Many managers may not keep each issue of PM, and new members won't have received past issues.

Topics with a lot of content could become their own "best of" book (emergency management, next generation, media relations, pensions and finance, etc.). We already have the content, so the only effort in creating this would be to write introductions to each volume, track down and select the best articles, devise a cover for the series, and develop a pricing plan. These could also be easily updated as new articles on a topic are authored and older ones become less relevant.

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